
The orange flag on Instagram indicates that a user is verified. A verified user is confirmed to be the authentic account of a public figure, celebrity, or global brand.

What does the orange flag mean on Instagram?

orange flag

When you see it on Instagram, it means that a post has been shared with a group that you are in. This could be a family, class, or any other group.

If you’re not in the group that the post was shared with, you won’t be able to see it. The only way to see the post is to be added to the group.

If you see this flag on a post, it’s a good idea to ask the person who shared it with you to add you to the group so that you can see the post.

The meaning of the orange flag on Instagram

When you see it on Instagram, the platform has verified the account. This is done to help users find and follow official accounts of interest and to prevent impersonation.

If you come across Instagram, you can be sure that you see the actual account of the person or organization it represents. This can be useful when finding and following accounts of celebrities, public figures, or businesses.

While this flag is an excellent way to tell if an account is accurate, it is not a guarantee. There have been cases of fake accounts getting verified, so it is still important to exercise caution. If an account looks suspicious, research before following or interacting with it.

orange flag on instagram

Why is the orange flag important on Instagram?

If you’re an avid Instagram user, you’ve probably noticed the little orange flag that pops up occasionally in your feed. But what does it mean?

The orange flag is a warning from Instagram that the account you’re viewing may be fake. This is especially common with celebrity accounts, as many imposters often try to take advantage of unsuspecting fans.

If you see it next to an account, it’s a good idea to be cautious before following or interacting with it. Look at the account’s posts and see if anything seems fishy. If the account appears suspicious, giving it a wide berth is probably best.

Of course, not all accounts are necessarily fake. Sometimes, an account may receive the flag simply because it’s new and lacks many followers. In this case, the flag should go away after a short while.

How can you use the orange flag on Instagram?

The orange flag on Instagram is a way to let your followers know that you have posted something new. When someone sees it, they can click on it to see what you have posted. This is a great way to let your followers know that you have new content, and it can also help you get more views on your posts.

What does the flag mean on social media?

When you see it on Instagram, someone has reported that post as inappropriate. Once a post has been reported, it goes through a review process to determine whether or not it violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines. If the post does violate the guidelines, it will be removed from the site.


The orange flag on Instagram indicates that the platform has verified a user. This means that the user is who they say they are and is considered a trusted source of information.

The orange flag is a way to mark a conversation as necessary. When you flag a conversation, it will be marked with an orange flag in the top right corner. This makes it easy to find the conversation later, even if you have a lot of DMs.

To flag a conversation, you open it and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then, select “Flag.” You can then select the reason why you are flagging the conversation.


Q1.What is the orange flag on Instagram?

The orange flag on Instagram appears when a user sends a direct message (DM) that includes a link that may be potentially harmful or spam. It serves as a warning to users that the message contains external content, and they should exercise caution before clicking on the link.

Q2.What is the flag option in Instagram chat?

The flag option in Instagram chat allows users to report and flag a particular message as inappropriate or violating community guidelines. When a message is flagged, Instagram reviews its content, and if found to be in violation, appropriate action is taken against the sender.

Q3.Why are Instagram DMs different colors?

Instagram DMs have different colors to help users distinguish between different types of messages. Messages from regular users appear in white, messages from verified users are displayed in blue, and messages from users you do not follow show up in grey.

Q4.Why are DMs purple on Instagram?

Instagram DMs turn purple when you send a disappearing message. Disappearing messages are self-destructing, meaning they are automatically deleted after the recipient views them once.

Q5.What are flagged messages?

Flagged messages are those that have been reported by users for potential violations. When a message receives multiple flags, Instagram reviews it to check if it goes against their rules, and if so, they may take appropriate action, such as warning the sender or even suspending their account.

Q6. What does a red flag mean on Instagram?

On Instagram, a red flag typically indicates an important or urgent notification, such as when a message you sent fails to send or if there’s an issue with a post or story. It’s a signal that requires your attention.

Q7.How do you know if someone flagged you on Instagram?

Instagram does not notify users if their messages are flagged. Flagging is done anonymously, and Instagram reviews the reported content without disclosing the identities of the users who flagged it.

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